In a campaign ad for a “Hog Hunt with MTG” raffle, the Georgia congresswoman says she wants to help those farmers out not only from Democrats policies destroying their farms, but from wild pigs as well.

“We’ve got skyrocketing inflation, high diesel fuel, and Democrats’ America Last policies,” Greene says standing beside a helicopter.

“Democrats aren’t the only ones destroying farmers’ ability to put food on the table – we’ve got wild hogs destroying farmers’ fields… So we decided to go hog hunting,” she says while boarding the helicopter armed with a rifle.

According to The Daily Mail, winners for the contest will likely not be announced until December.
“According to the contest rules, 50 finalists will be chosen at random by late December – placing the end of the contest well after the November midterm elections, where Greene is widely expected to keep her seat for a second term,” The Mail reports.
“The winner is meant to get a trip for two to hog hunt with Greene, with travel and accommodation fees paid. The rules document estimates the winning package to be worth $10,000.”
As for the hogs, here’s part of a 2021 Lamesa Press-Reporter article on the problems they cause for Texas ranchers:
The feral hog population is expanding at an alarming rate in the Lone Star State, leaving farmers and ranchers facing thousands of dollars in damages each year. That’s what one rancher told a Senate Committee this month, testifying in support of more tools to help control and eradicate the invasive species.
Feral hogs cause Texas agriculture more than $230 million in losses annually, according to a U.S. Department of Agriculture survey.
“Hunting and trapping alone can’t control them,” Mickey Edwards, a Lampasas County rancher, said. “We need more tools for this fight.”
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