Friday, August 12, 2022

It is very hard to wrap my head around what’s going on in today’s world.




RED S.  08/12/2022


It is very hard to wrap my head around what’s going on in today’s world. I thought way back in 1776 all those heroes that gave everything up including their fortunes homes and in many cases their freedom and life. They laid it all on the line. Now 250 years later, power hungry left wing authoritarian thugs controlled by a select few holier than thou, know it all jerks are strategically destroying every country on earth. The sad part is, although people are starting to wake up to all this, they are not waking up fast enough to stop this biblical destruction of our beloved United States.

I remember when I was a kid, and how my parents went to work like many others before them, and after a hard day’s work they drove home to the house they bought and paid for, and it was affordable. Back in that day federal and local governments were corrupt but it was all behind closed doors and most definitely not as wide spread as it is today.  

I say it all the time, if people would just stop TUNING IN TO A –CHANNEL- on a TELL- A- VISION- watching a –PROGRAM-, maybe just maybe these types would see the truth of what’s going on. You see; it’s no different than it was way back before the revolutionary war. They had people back in that time not aware of the goings on and thought they were doing the right thing by being loyal to the King and his rule. The same thing is happening today but it’s so far out in the open that people are starting to wake from their lethargy. But as I said, I am afraid they are not waking up fast enough.

I think people have a very hard time seeing how powerful these evil people are. They have literally put together plans and put them out on the internet, and right now they are following their plan. People are being told these things and showing them proof they still deny it all. This cognitive dissidence is going to destroy us all.

The mainstream media is not showing what’s going on around the world. You have to find independent news sources to find out what’s going on. But even saying this, these loyalists will still zone in to the programming on mainstream propaganda gas lighting networks.

These types of people are so far in their brainwashed state, they actually thing the second amendment is for hunting. What is really alarming is, that “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” is being ignored. Any law, I mean any law that contradicts constitutional law is null and void and yet here we are following the color of law, the color of law is not a law. We the people should be able to own any type of gun we want to own. The reason for those words in the Second Amendment is to fight back against a tyrannical government. That was given to us through GOD first of all and the Declaration of Independence.  “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,”

With all the upfront tyranny going on by the left and right wing loyalists, it just makes me sick. The left wing nut jobs are all about death. Think about it, left wing ideology is all about death. Just look at our history. Socialist and Marxist leaders have killed millions.

The thing is, these Liberal Democrats want totalitarian control over all our lives. They are also trying to constantly set the peace loving people up by leading them through provocateurs to be violent. These types of people are not violent like the left think they are. They blue this J6 crap is just that crap. It did not get as violent they hoped it would be. The left are the ones that are violent. For crying out loud; look at all the deaths and property damage by antifa and BLM “The Organization” the conservative right just wants to be left alone to live their lives.

The globalist that are controlling these liberal democrats, will do whatever it takes to get their new world order, up to and including the death of American people and others. When the twin towers were attacked the majority know that this was an inside job to bring in massive unconstitutional violations. One of the main reasons for this false flag that killed thousands was to bring in the patriot act. Why it’s called that is beyond me. It sure is not patriotic. It was to bring in surveillance of the American people which violates constitutional rights of the American people. Because the Globalist controlled liberal democrats control the house and the senate and are so addicted to the power and control, they will not stop at nothing to violate the rights of the American people even more by bringing more and more unconstitutional tyrannical laws.

One of the new ones is hiring 87,000 more IRS agents and giving them weapon training. Why are they doing this other than to rob the American people blind and enslave then with their authoritarian rule. It looks like they are bringing the US back to the King of England. I mean how else do you look at it? The crap that they are pushing is what the heroes of the revolutionary war lost everything to get away from.

It looks like they are poking the bear over and over again trying to get the American people to rise up. Why? Because that is part of their plan to get the people all over the world to rise up against their governments so they can swoop in and save the day with their one world government. The majority of the people do not want this yet they continue to force it on us. Here are some quotes from that evil piece of work. Klaus Schwab.

1.    “You’ll own nothing” — And “you’ll be happy about it.”

2.   “The U.S. won’t be the world’s leading superpower”

3.   “You won’t die waiting for an organ donor” — They will be made by 3D printers

4.   “You’ll eat much less meat” — Meat will be “an occasional treat, not a staple, for the good of the environment and our health.”

5.   “A billion people will be displaced by climate change” – Soros’ Open Borders

6.   “Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide” – “There will be a global price on carbon. This will help make fossil fuels history”

7.   “You could be preparing to go to Mars” — Scientists “will have worked out how to keep you healthy in space.”

8.   “Western values will have been tested to the breaking point.” – “Checks and balances that underpin our democracies must not be forgotten”

This evil clown probably never wiped his own ass, and he is going to tell the common freedom loving peace loving person how to live their life. This satanic scum is part of the lead structure that is bringing down America.

Today the head jerk at the DOJ went on live TV and basically said he and the three letter Gestapo is setting up to violate the American peoples first amendment rights to free speech. By telling people in so many words that they better not talk bad about the (eff-bee-eye) or you will be labels a domestic terrorist. What the actual F***? This dude needs to be impeached asap.



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