Friday, October 21, 2022
Saturday, October 15, 2022
Eat The Bugs: Netherlands Schools Offer Mealworms & Insects to Children as ‘Sustainable’ Meat Substitute
Hundreds of schools in the Netherlands are now offering mealworms and insects to children’s lunches as part of a conditioning campaign to normalize eating bugs in the name of saving the environment.
Video from RTV Oost shows a bug ambassador and Dutch politician dishing out “mealworms, lupine worms, and other insect” meals to 10-12 year-old students in Zwolle, who reluctantly began eating the critters.
The so-called ‘Taste Mission Adventurous Proteins” campaign was developed by the Dutch Food Week group and the Wageningen University & Research (WUR).
The stated goal of the bug-eating campaign is to bring about “behavioral changes” in children to embrace “sustainable food.”
From RTV Oost:
After a first hesitation, the students of the Octopus primary school in Zwolle carefully put them in their mouths: mealworms. And as the taste buds get to work on the unfamiliar food, some faces brighten: “it tastes like nuts,” they say.
The school children are today exposed to a new eating experience. Part of a teaching package about healthy and sustainable food. It is a tried and tested means: behavioral changes via the (as yet) uninhibited children. Because, if they appreciate it, then it has a future.
There were not only mealworms on the menu at De Octopus today. The 7th grade students also got to taste dishes made with lupine worms and other insects.
Some other European countries already introduced bugs to their school children.
Canada has even begun distributing insects into the wider food supply.
This worldwide bug-eating campaign is just one facet of the Great Reset, tied to the WEF’s bid to force farmers off their land to limit the nation’s livestock supply which the organization says is to reduce methane emissions
The stated goal of the bug-eating campaign is to bring about “behavioral changes” in children to embrace “sustainable food.”
The so-called ‘Taste Mission Adventurous Proteins” campaign was developed by the Dutch Food Week group and the Wageningen University & Research (WUR).
The Dutch government mandated a 50% reduction in nitrogen emissions by 2030 in accordance with the WEF’s Great Reset, claiming livestock accounts for 40% of nitrogen emissions in the country.
The mandates resulted in nationwide protests by farmers and detractors of the government’s destructive “climate” programs.
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Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Arizona Democrat Candidate Katie Hobbs Confronted By Project Veritas For Refusing To Debate
Project Veritas undercover reporters embedded in the campaign of Democrat Arizona gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs learned more about why she’s openly avoiding discussing her policies.
For example, Hobbs admitted on camera she won’t even discuss her politics with Uber drivers who try to engage in conversations with her.
“An Uber driver asked me ‘Oh, what do you do?’ And I was like, ‘Uh, I work for a campaign.’ I don’t know why I said that — I just didn’t want to have this conversation. And he’s like, ‘Oh, Kari Lake?’ And I was like, ‘F**k no!’ I don’t want to talk to you. I don’t want to talk politics to anyone who I don’t know,” she said.
A Democrat organizer said he doesn’t understand why Hobbs won’t debate her Republican opponent Kari Lake and admitted it might even “be actively bad for her in some way.”
When Hobbs was approached by a Project Veritas reporter while she was out for coffee, the Democrat candidate scurried off and spilled her drink in an obvious panic.
Hobbs’ campaign manager Nicole DeMont told the journalist the debate format proposed wouldn’t “allow for a substantive policy debate,” but Kari Lake has already offered for the Hobbs campaign to have full control over a hypothetical debate.
During another part of the video, the Hobbs campaign’s head political consultant Joe Wolf told an undercover reporter the Democrat gubernatorial candidate could never openly support an assault weapons ban because Arizonans are too pro-Second Amendment.
Hobbs would definitely enact an assault weapons ban “if she could,” Wolf admitted, before saying, “It’s a federal issue.”
“So, it’s kind of like, this state is crazy about their guns, so we’re not gonna take the beating for it before she can do anything about it,” he added.
Later, Wolf was filmed traveling in a vehicle with an AR-15 used for protecting Hobbs during events.
When the Veritas reporter asked about the rifle, Wolf explained it “folds down” to fit in a backpack and is “easier to fire than a handgun.”
While this is a common sense tool to be equipped with at gubernatorial rallies, it is highly hypocritical of the Democrat candidate’s campaign.
The official Twitter page for the campaign of GOP Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, Hobbs’ opponent, wrote, “Unlike @KatieHobbs, @KariLake DOES want ‘to talk politics to anyone who [she doesn’t] know.’ We invite you & your friends to come out to any of our upcoming events and ask Kari the hard questions.”
Because Project Veritas and its founder James O’Keefe have been kicked off Twitter, they are spreading the link to the video using “distribution by proxy,” which encourages anyone to share the information.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022
Get out and vote fellow Americans.
Voting matters. pic.twitter.com/Unb7WkPu4g
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) October 4, 2022
Monday, October 3, 2022
Father of US Biological & Chemical Weapons Law Warns Globalists Planning NEW ATTACKS
MONDAY EMERGENCY BROADCAST: Father of US Biological & Chemical Weapons Law Warns Globalists Planning NEW ATTACKS – Tune In NOW If You Want to Survive! – FULL SHOW 10/3/22
On today's broadcast, bioweapons policy expert Dr. Francis Boyle covers Biden’s Executive Order on biotechnology point by point to reveal alarming implications globalists DO NOT want you to know! Remember, everything he previously reported to Infowars has come to pass! Learn what happens NEXT on this explosive broadcast! Also, journalist George Eliason delivers the latest news from Ukraine and Russia the MSM is trying to keep hidden from the masses!
Saturday, October 1, 2022
Red Pill Zone
Red Sentrie 10/01/2022
There are several ways to process reality today, and believe
me; there are people in every single one of these categories.
Before I go into these categories, let me explain one more
thing to you. There are people that believe in a higher power and there are
those that choose not to believe. It is obvious that coming to certain
conclusions within the categories; will be a different path, but none the less
reaching the same outcome.
Those who place their faith in God will, or
should; come to the outcome using a spiritual process.
Those that place their faith in man will ultimately
reach the outcome through someone who does place their faith in God by using a common
sense avenue.
There are those that come to the outcome by way
of a herd mentality or group think or a hive mind mentality.
ONE: There is a large group of people that trust authority because that has
been drilled into their brains their entire lives. Parents raising their
children to never question authority, are for the most part at fault for the outcome
of these types of people. These types of people take what the mainstream media
says as gospel, and if you go against that teaching you will; be yelled at and
silenced. They do not want to debate this source for any reason.
TWO: There is an even larger group of people that do not trust what the
mainstream media says, and if they do watch it, they watch it with skeptical eyes
and ears. Researching the facts outside of the sources pushed at the general
public. But never really get to the real answers because they do not question
things using the spirit if God.
THREE: There is an ever growing group of people that do not trust the
mainstream media at all, because they know that they are all owned by the same
conglomerates that are pushing the mainstream agenda. These people trust the
spirit of God and the wisdom they receive for placing their faith in the
omnipresent Creator.
GROUP ONE: The entirety of this group for the most part; throughout
their entire lives, have grown comfortable and aligned with the herd mentality,
and will never draw negative attention to them by questioning the narrative
backed by the mainstream media. These types will do as their told no matter the
possible consequence of their actions, because they feel by doing this is it
better for humanity. Although thinking of others before yourself is a good
thing. But it’s not always good, and the outcome may be the loss of ones rights
or even death of those who choose this line of thinking.
GROUP TWO: These types
of people love their freedom, want to protect others freedoms, they want to
protect the family and the children from the evil in society. These types also
love the constant uphill battle to reach the American dream that was paid for
by the blood of patriots and tyrants. These types of people are what made this
country the super power in many categories. Within this group of American
citizens, is where you will find most of the veterans that believed what they
were doing was right for their country, and will continue to protect the rights
of the people given to them by the constitution and the bill of rights.
These types trust no man and will never place their faith in man, or manmade
science. They place their faith in God and their God given rights through the
declaration of independence, and their right afforded to them through the constitutional
and the bill of rights.
This group also knows things that group one or two do not
know about ,or are not willing to entertain any related idea, because in this
groups belief system, they are walking in the light of God, and if you do not
walk in the light of God, you are walking around in the darkness with Satan and
all of his clinging evil spirits. This group believes without fail, that
everything going on in today’s world is written in the word of God, and it is has
also been written in many, many white papers of those who are aligned with
Satan and all his evil spirits. This group also knows that the words used on
the mainstream media tell a different truth than the one perceived.
In saying all this, one has to understand that the slang for
the groups reviles many things.
Most of the people in this group do not believe in a creator
or God as it were. Most of this group, in fact almost all of them are liberal
democrats. Most of them have never served in the military.
same sex
trans exposure to the innocents of children
want everything free
do not believe in god
want individual rights, but stand behind
killing babies in turn removing the rights of another human being.
segregation on multiple levels
removing the free speech rights from people that
they don’t like.
removing the 2nd amendment rights
of those who want to keep their family safe and protect the constitution.
destroy all history eg. statues of historical
forcing what many consider immoral beliefs on
more than 2 genders
place their trust in the main stream news.
Many of this group believes in a creator. Most of this group
is America first conservatives, libertarians, independents and as of late, many
democrats that still hold the true American freedom values. Many in this group
have also served in the military.
All of this group believes in God. Most of these people are Christian
nationalists, America first conservatives, independents and libertarians. There
should not be any democrats in this category as they do not hold the Christian God
like values. Many have served in the military.
In closing it is important to understand all perspective and
reach your own conclusion to matters of freedom. The most important thing is to
be free from tyrannical rulers. We all want to live a happy life able to reach
for the stars, and even if we never get there, It is also important to
understand there are many people that do not want you to be happy, They are miserable
with their life and want to drag everyone down with them.
It is imperative to understand that the powers in control of
the earth, are not the ones in government. Money corrupts and many have sold
their soul to damnation for a few bucks. With the short time we have on this
earth, eternity is a long time, and selling out for money or short time power
is just not worth it.
Seek God and all his wisdom and he will surely guide your
paths straight. Be well my brothers and sisters.
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