Project Veritas undercover reporters embedded in the campaign of Democrat Arizona gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs learned more about why she’s openly avoiding discussing her policies.
For example, Hobbs admitted on camera she won’t even discuss her politics with Uber drivers who try to engage in conversations with her.
“An Uber driver asked me ‘Oh, what do you do?’ And I was like, ‘Uh, I work for a campaign.’ I don’t know why I said that — I just didn’t want to have this conversation. And he’s like, ‘Oh, Kari Lake?’ And I was like, ‘F**k no!’ I don’t want to talk to you. I don’t want to talk politics to anyone who I don’t know,” she said.
A Democrat organizer said he doesn’t understand why Hobbs won’t debate her Republican opponent Kari Lake and admitted it might even “be actively bad for her in some way.”
When Hobbs was approached by a Project Veritas reporter while she was out for coffee, the Democrat candidate scurried off and spilled her drink in an obvious panic.
Hobbs’ campaign manager Nicole DeMont told the journalist the debate format proposed wouldn’t “allow for a substantive policy debate,” but Kari Lake has already offered for the Hobbs campaign to have full control over a hypothetical debate.
During another part of the video, the Hobbs campaign’s head political consultant Joe Wolf told an undercover reporter the Democrat gubernatorial candidate could never openly support an assault weapons ban because Arizonans are too pro-Second Amendment.
Hobbs would definitely enact an assault weapons ban “if she could,” Wolf admitted, before saying, “It’s a federal issue.”
“So, it’s kind of like, this state is crazy about their guns, so we’re not gonna take the beating for it before she can do anything about it,” he added.
Later, Wolf was filmed traveling in a vehicle with an AR-15 used for protecting Hobbs during events.
When the Veritas reporter asked about the rifle, Wolf explained it “folds down” to fit in a backpack and is “easier to fire than a handgun.”
While this is a common sense tool to be equipped with at gubernatorial rallies, it is highly hypocritical of the Democrat candidate’s campaign.
The official Twitter page for the campaign of GOP Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, Hobbs’ opponent, wrote, “Unlike @KatieHobbs, @KariLake DOES want ‘to talk politics to anyone who [she doesn’t] know.’ We invite you & your friends to come out to any of our upcoming events and ask Kari the hard questions.”
Because Project Veritas and its founder James O’Keefe have been kicked off Twitter, they are spreading the link to the video using “distribution by proxy,” which encourages anyone to share the information.

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