Thursday, July 21, 2022

politicians that want to pass laws that violate the constitutional rights of the American People,


I think its high time politicians that want to pass laws that violate the constitutional rights of the American People, get a hefty fine for trying and removed from office.

Here we have Mr. Nadler, and he is the chairman to boot; openly verbalizing a massive violation of the second amendment. These people need to be held accountable for blatantly violating the constitution.

Jim Jordan is a true American hero fighting a fight, which he should not have to fight along side very few other Politicians. 

Jordan, Paul, MGT, Roy and few others actually give a crap about the American People. It is starting to become very obvious that the left is controlled by a force hell bent on the destruction of the United States and the World. 

it is on the minds of many American's that it is time to get rid of the current Federal government and build a new one from scratch.

if something is not done to stop this massive destructive campaign of the left and right wing rhinos, The States will start separating from the union. 

Each and everyone one that is elected to office, has one damn job, and that job is to protect our constitutional rights. 

And here we have this tyrant pushing to destroy our constitutional rights.  These tyrannical losers need to be held accountable and removed from office immediately.

Guns were never added to the second amendment for hunting they were put there to give the people a way of protecting them and their families and most of all, to replace a government that has become tyrannical. If they take them away we will fall like so many other countries did in the past. 

The sad thing about the whole thing is, there will be a civil war and many believe that is exactly what the Globalist cabals want. So they can swoop in and be the saviors. But it is not saving you they want. they don't care about you. You are nothing to these evil people.

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